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Ethan Siou has made a new document about ex-pupil, artist and war hero Laurence Whittle:
Click here to view
The Tanfield Glass was created in 2008 by Claire Humpherson. It was awarded annually to a person who had made a significant contribution to the Association or to Tanfield School. It was accidentally broken in 2021 and was replaced by the Tanfield Star.
2008 Barbara Churcher
2009 Fred Westwater
2010 June Todd
2011 Susan Donkin
2012 Elizabeth Hawkins
2013 Peter Brown
2014 Ted Brabban
2015 Howard Bott
2016 Len Broxson
2017 Joyce Charlton
2018 Duncan Davis
2019 Amy Bilton
2020 Jonathan Coates
2021 Covid pandemic… (no presentation)
2022 Elizabeth Hawkins
2023 Stephen Clough and Team Tanfield
2024 Christine McGough
We are pleased to announce that this year's award goes to Christine McGough for her work as Chair of Governors as well as her support for the school via the Association and for the Association itself.
The photos from the 2024 AGM can be viewed at:
Click here for photos
We have accumulated hundreds of photos on our Facebook site. Below is a link to allow you to see them on the big screen and display a slideshow.
Having chosen an album, click on any photo or click the square symbol above the top right photo for a slideshow.
You can also comment on any photo and search the photo database. Let me know how you get on by contacting Howard Bott at:  
Website Manager
Click here for Facebook photos
Having a thriving, well-stocked school library, full of the books that children really want to read,
is key to inspiring and engaging our pupils and we would like to thank our community for making this a reality.
These are the books you bought and here are the "reading ambassadors" of Tanfield School posing with them.
For inclusion in Elizabeth's book "Tanfield School 1912-2022 - Then and Now", many people responded with their stories of "Life After Tanfield".
Here is a new way of searching and viewing the many photos we have on our website.
These fascinating stories are now available online at: Life After Tanfield Stories
If you would like to add your story or have it removed from our website, contact Elizabeth by email at:
Having chosen an album, click on any photo or click the square symbol above the top right photo for a slideshow.
You can also comment on any photo and search the photo database. Let me know how you get on by contacting Howard Bott at:  
Website Manager
Click here for photos
If you have any questions about joining Tanfield Association or supporting Tanfield School, email Elizabeth Hawkins at:  
***NEW*** To see photos of Tanfield pupils learning about the history of the school: "Tanfield Through Time"
To see photos of Tanfield School's birthday party/open day: "Photos from 15 October 2022"
To find out about becoming a sponsor for Tanfield School: "Sponsorship"
To make a donation to the school: "Make a Donation"
If you have any problems with donating via the website, contact Howard Bott at:  
Website Manager
  Have you tried the search feature shown below?    Use it to find photos of classmates and teachers plus school information held in our archives.
Welcome to the Tanfield Association Website.
The aims of the website are:
For more information about Tanfield Association and its activities
If you wish to have your face/name removed from any of our photos or have any problems accessing the site's features (eg photos not displaying, links not working), email me at:
and tell me:
Choosing from the menu, you can read about Alderman Wood (the school's founder); view biographies of former headteachers; browse photos from the past 100+ years and much more.
A selection of old exam papers can be downloaded (you will have to mark your own answers!) in addition to memorabilia such as Speech Day programmes.
Some photos have been "Name-Tagged" and I would appreciate help in identifying unknown faces or correcting errors.
Also available to browse or download are School Magazines and Association Newsletters. As you will see, we do not have a complete collection so I would be pleased to arrange for missing documents to be scanned and published.
If you are interested in joining the association, contact:
Membership Secretary
Howard Bott